
Eyebrow Shaping: Guide in Making the Perfect Eyebrow Shape

Eyebrow Shaping: Guide in Making the Perfect Eyebrow Shape

Eyebrow shaping is a skill almost every vain woman has. The eyebrows are the rarely noticed part of the face but shaping it can enhance how you look. Probably you have been to salons so many times to have the perfect eyebrow shape when in fact you can do it right inside your room. Shaping eyebrows is difficult if you are a first-timer, but as you continuously shape your eyebrows you will master the skill.

Different Eyebrow Shapes

Before you shape your eyebrows, you must know the basic. There are different eyebrow shapes for different facial shapes. The basic eyebrow shapes include angled, arched, curved and flat.

  • Angled shape brows are characterized by sharp angles, upward from the inner corner and downward towards the outer corner. This style will give your face a slimming look and it is great closer-set eyes.
  • Arched brows are for women who have very thick brows. This shape will open up the eyes giving a bright-eyed look. It is noted by an upward angle from the inner corner and finishing it with a curve downward on the outside.
  • Curved shaped brows are the brows with soft round shape following the line of the eyelids. This style is perfect for women having angular features to soften their overall look.
  • Flat shaped eyebrow is noted for its minimal curvature along the length of the brow. It suits women who have widely spaced eyes or has a narrow face.
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How to Shape Eyebrows at Home

You can shape your eyebrows right in the comfort of your home. You must have an eyebrow kit that contains tweezers, eyebrow razors, pencil, bow brush and scissors. Kits like this are sold in beauty shops and salons; you just have to choose carefully which one works best for you.

You can shape your eyebrow in different ways and the cheapest and commonest way to do it is by tweezing. Yet, you must have a good pair of tweezers that will last for a lifetime and work well. You can also make use of razors in shaping your brows. You can also make use of scissors in trimming your brows. But shaving and trimming are not precise that you will still use the tweezers to attain the perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Another option in shaping the brows is by waxing. Wax comes in hot and cold but hot wax works better than the other but it should be done by an expert or a professional as you might remove hairs from the delicate part of your eyes and it can cause pain, redness and swelling. Threading of eyebrows is something that a professional should do. Do not try this on your own or you will end up drawing your eyebrow for the longest time.

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Professional Eyebrow Shaping

If you are not yet confident with yourself in shaping your brows, you can always run to a professional for help. It will surely cost you but at most salons, but you are guaranteed a professional eyebrow shaping session. One technique you might want o consider is pay only for one session and simply maintain it on your own.

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